GREC srl is an Italian company specialised in the selection, design and construction
of industrial mixers for liquids.

In industrial processes, there is no established standard for sizing mixers for the various applications for which they are required. Each manufacturer offers its own solution based on experience.

Depending on the case, the main parameter for selection may be the input power, the flow rate generated, the peripheral speed or a combination of these factors. Depending on the type of impeller, the behaviour of the mixer may be different, even if one of these parameters coincides.

GREC srl technicians have developed selection procedures validated by multiple installations, thanks to their extensive experience, shared with leading companies worldwide for research and development.

The selection philosophy aims to create the most simple, economical machine, seeking to transform the energy supplied by the drive as effectively as possible in the liquid, to achieve the mixing objective with the lowest possible consumption.

GREC Srl does not create complex mechanical solutions based on the experience of the end user, but is, though, very willing to study a possible alternative solution with said user, involving less complexity and lower costs, using its own impellers.

For applications that are not known, GREC srl also relies on collaboration with a network of international manufacturers, specialised in different sectors.

Thanks to its streamlined structure and perfect knowledge of the mechanical dimensioning of the mixers, in the fields where it has most experience. GREC srl is able to provide the best performance/price ratio on the market.

Do you have any request about our products? If you can not find the information on the site you are looking for, you can contact us by filling in the form or sending an email.
We will respond to all requests.

GREC S.r.l. 
Viale Lombardia, 16/N
20081 Cassinetta di Lugagnano (MI) - ITALY
Tel + 39 02 36645050
Fax +39 02 36645054
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PEC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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